
Layout: Like a knife.
Best viewed: Mozilla Firefox.
Resolution: 1280X800.

Hello welcome to my site. Some disclaimers first: Everything written down here are just my pea's worth of opinion. You are not to take anything I mentioned against me. And I do not need your validation to live, for the record. :)


Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Childish freak
Written on: Friday, August 27, 2010
Time: 11:26 PM

Whatthehell . You make me sibei pissed off leh , i've gotta throw this out before i sleep ! You say what you buay song with some people , buay song me say la , not like i scared . You're in the wrong lo . Damned hongster . Only know how to talk behind the back , want come , come my fb wall spam la . not like I nvr tio before okay , not like i scared la !

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